
Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

History Juventus

Founded: 1897

Address: Galileo Ferraris, 32 - 10128 Italy

Phone: +39 899-999-897

Fax: + 39 011-5119214


Official URL:

Chairman: Andrea Agnelli

Club Director: Fabio Paratici

Stadium: Juventus Stadium - Torino

Club History

There is no clear information regarding the birth of Juventus. There is no news from those days which document it nor any official papers. The only document is the one from 1914, written by Enrico Canfari, one of the founders. It seems that it all started from the initiative of the young students of the Istitution Azeglio of Torino who met on the 1st of November 1897 and started Sport Club Juventus. Probably not even in the wildest dreams of those kids existed the fantasy that their game would turn into the most successful Italian club and one of the most prestigious in the world. The first Italian league took place in 1898, played between four teams in one day, but Juventus stayed out, only to take part in the following year, with the first official shirt being pink. The first Scudetto arrived in 1905. In 1922 the Agnelli era begun, the new stadium of Corso Marsiglia was built and the basis for the Old Lady, which became an Italian symbol throughout the world, was started. A passion which goes beyond the latitudes, a winning team which makes football lovers in Italy either love them or hate them.


sumber :

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1.      Verb phrases atau frase verba adalah frase yang tersusun dari verba utama ditambah dengan auxiliaries, adverbs, adverb phrases (or clauses), prepositional phrases, atau object. Dalam kalimat, frase verba berfungsi sebagai predikat.

Contoh :

A.    You can put off your shoes here

B.     He will get into trouble if you drink alcohol.

C.     The man has decided to close his business down.

D.    We will meet at the library at 3:30 p.m.

E.      Henry made my coach very proud.


2.      Tenses adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan waktu (sekarang, masa depan, atau masa lalu) terjadinya suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa.

Contoh Present Tense : We agree with the speaker’s opinion.

Contoh Past Tense      : The party started at 10.00 a.m.

Contoh Future Tense : You will win the game.


3.      Jika suatu benda (thing) tersebut berjumlah hanya satu (tunggal), maka benda tersebut adalah singular (tunggal). Dan jika jumlahnya lebih dari satu (banyak), maka benda tersebut adalah plural (jamak).

Contoh Singular : a.    He is a student in the Gunadarma University

     b.    My class is beautiful.


Contoh Plural : a.        The Dean meets her students in front of the office.

  b.       My rooms are rented for six months.



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